
Helpful Beanie Baby Information For Everyone

Our Beanie Babies Collectors Facebook group asked us to moderate in a way that helps keep “junk” off of their feeds.  If you wish to sell in this group, please be respectful of your potential buyers. Due to the misleading information published on the internet we must set rules that we are comfortable with.

You do not have to purchase the Beanie Babies Price Guide(s) to participate in this group. 

Most of us do not mind answering a few pricing questions on beanies not covered in these articles. The articles are here to help you. Because we have so many helpful articles you will see us refer to this post quite often. The articles are free to read and hosted on the same site as the price guide. Some people think we are pushing the guide(s) when actually we are trying to help by sending you a relevant free article link.  We are simply trying to eliminate the repetitive posts while providing information.

This Clickable Heart is a fun and easy way to access Helpful Information on a variety of topics.

The following can read like a college Beanieology 101 course.  It takes time to learn.  We hope we can help, and our members do too.  If, after reading the information below, you have questions please go ahead and ask away.

If you are here because you read an internet article about the rarest Beanies, we regret to inform you that 99.9% of these articles are completely false. No Beanies available to the public are worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Beanies they have pictured are usually common, everyday $5 Beanies. There are some Beanies that DO have a high value. If you read it on mentalfloss, Cosmopolitan, eightieskids, wealthygorilla, wideopencountry, completeset, gemr, scarymommy, moneyinc, ranker or thefiscaltimes, you have read clickbait.  Some of these websites do get a few right, like Chef Robuchon (last one sold for approx $10K) but most have inaccurate information. Business Insider retracted their article when shown the facts.

There are no official Beanie Baby Appraisers. There are 2 reputable Beanie Baby Authenticators who have been involved in the hobby since the beginning. This Beanie Babies Price Guide was created in 2011 and is continually updated. All 3 women involved with this site have helped insurance companies value collections. We have been active with various pricing magazines & guides since Beanies gained popularity in the 90’s.

What it all boils down to is this – if you have desirable Beanies they will sell.  If you don’t, they won’t.

Our rules for the Beanie Babies Collectors Facebook group are as follows:
Treat each other with kindness. We were all new once.
Maximum of 3 “for sale” posts per day.
Photos must accompany posts with items for sale. If you are selling a “lot” of Ty items, please list them by name AND photos. Collectors want to know what they’re buying. You can’t just say 200 Beanies for $200.  Not all Beanies are created equal.  So, no photos or no list on lots means your post may not be approved. It’s up to the mood of the people approving the post.  At the very least we expect clear photos.
We recommend “online” transactions over “local pickup” to reach more Members but will allow local pickup only to be posted at buyers’ and sellers’ discretion, and at your own risk. Please exchange public meet up locations privately.
If you attempt to post something at a very high price because “you read it on the internet” it may or may not be approved. We reserve the right to use it as a teaching moment.
No foul language. Posts with bad language will be removed.
Arguments will not be tolerated. Beanies are fun so let’s keep the group positive.
The admins of this group will not be bullied, harassed or threatened. You will be removed if you do this. If someone does this on your behalf, then you AND everyone involved will be removed. You are not allowed to block an Admin.
Please do not PM the Admins of the group unless asked to. They give of their time freely in the groups, as time allows, and do not do private consultations unless prebooked and paid for.
“Bumping” posts will only be allowed once per 24-hour period.
No hijacking other people’s posts. Members say it gets confusing when multiple questions by multiple people are going on. We agree. Members also say it’s annoying because of Facebook notifications constantly going off. If you have questions, please start your own post. Thank you.
People posting false information will be muted for 24 hours. If it continues you will be removed from the group.
Sales of counterfeits are prohibited If you need information about them, we are always here to help.
Bad traders will be removed & banned. Period.
We reserve the right to remove any member for any reason. Reasons for removal may include harassing other members, not following through with sales/trades, linking to unapproved websites & spreading false information. Thank you.
Again, no links are allowed unless approved by admin or mods. Everything you need to understand Beanies is on our website. You do not have to buy the guide to read the informative articles. We will have “Links Days” on occasion. It will be a pinned post on the allotted days.

Below are links to many articles of the most asked about Beanies.

If you have a lot of Beanies to price, consider saving yourself time by purchasing the low-cost price guide(s). Our time is just as valuable as yours is. It helps to pay for the website. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/

You can also search eBay SOLD listings. Not asking prices but sold. Be sure you know how to weed out the sold fakes. It can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/sold-listings-ebay/

You will hear a lot about tag generations.  Collectors go by swing tags with tush tags being secondary.  https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/tytaggenerations/

Common Beanies are VERY hard to sell. This includes alleged error tags, 4th gen and later Valentino, Claude, Halo, most Peace Bears, Jake, etc. There are very few 4th & 5th gens that have any value at all. There are new common Beanies being added to these lists at an alarming rate. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/valuable-beanie-babies-with-yellow-star-hang-tags/

Chef Robuchen Ty Beanie Baby
Rare Beanies that do have value. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/rarest-ty-beanie-babies-worth-money/

Need to know Beanie Baby “Error” Key Facts. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/beanie-baby-facts/

5th generation “Error” hang tags. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/ty-beanie-baby-5th-generation-swing-tags/

Other Ty “Error” hang tags. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/ty-error-tags-beanie-baby-birth-dates-values-myths/

Claude in the Spotlight. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/claude-ty-beanie-baby-in-the-spotlight/

Curly in the Spotlight. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/curly-ty-beanie-baby-in-the-spotlight/  

Glory in the Spotlight. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/glory-beanie-baby-in-the-spotlight/

Gobbles in the Spotlight. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/gobbles-ty-beanie-baby-in-the-spotlight/

Halo in the Spotlight. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/halo-ty-beanie-baby-in-the-spotlight/

Hippity/Hoppity/Floppity in the Spotlight. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/hippity-hoppity-floppity-ty-beanie-babies-in-the-spotlight/

Hope in the Spotlight. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/hope-ty-beanie-baby-in-the-spotlight/

Iggy/Rainbow. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/iggy-vs-rainbow-ty-beanie-babies-beanie-babies-price-guide/

Jake in the Spotlight. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/jake-ty-beanie-baby-in-the-spotlight/

Millennium vs Millenium. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/millennium-variations-values-and-errors/

Mystic Unicorn Versions. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/ty-beanie-baby-mystic-the-unicorn-versions/

Patti Platypus Versions. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/ty-beanie-babies-patti-platypus-versions/

Peace Bear. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/what-is-my-ty-peace-bear-worth/

Princess – for value purposes, PVC vs. PE pellets only matter on Princess. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/ty-beanie-babies-princess-versions/

Valentino in the Spotlight. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/ty-beanie-baby-valentino-is-it-really-rare-valuable/

Counterfeit information – fake vs authentic. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/?s=fake+vs+authentic

Our YouTube channel “Beanie Babies Price Guide” with counterfeit information. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPvame9hKej3Lk-4em8Mk-A/videos/

All Teenie Beanies, including the “International Set of 4” are to be posted on one main Facebook post.


McDonald’s Teenie Beanie Information. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/mcdonalds-ty-teenie-beanie-babies-baby-value/

Buying/Selling/Trading is at your own risk. Use safe methods of payment to protect yourself. https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/safe-payments-beanie-babies-price-guide-buy-sell-trade-information/

We are happy to answer questions not covered above in our Beanie Babies Collectors Facebook group.

BeanieBabiesPriceGuide is a participant in eBay Inc., and Amazon Services LLC, associate programs that are Affiliate Programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by links to eBay.com and Amazon.com that help fund the work involved on the site.

Helpful Articles

The Beanie Babies Price Guide is the simplest and quickest way to value your Ty Beanie Babies and sell them for bigger profits!

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