Sungoliath (Suntory Sungoliath) (Japan Stadium Exclusive)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Sungoliath
Style Number 46070
Exclusivity Event Excl. Japanese Stadium –  Suntory Sungoliath
Category Animal
Sub Category Gorilla
Theme Japanese Sports Promo – Rugby
Birthday 08/29/03
Intro Date 08/21/06
Retired Date 02/28/08
Hang Tag Gen 14
Tush Tag Gen 13
Copyright Date 2006
Pellets PE Plastic
Origin China
Color brown

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Inside hang tag:

Additional Information

Sungoliath, a.k.a. “Suntory Sungoliath” because the team is owned by Suntory, the beverage company, in Japan. It did not have a commemorative card.

There was another Sports Promo for Suntory, that was a Teenie Beanie Bopper, as opposed to a Beanie baby. This took place 10/15/2004. Also called Sungoliath.


Tush tag: Sungoliath

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