Bunga Raya (Malaysia Exclusive)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Bunga Raya (Malaysia)
Style Number 4615
Exclusivity Country Excl. – Malaysia
Category Bear
Sub Category NF New Face
Theme Official Flower – Malaysia, Asia-Pacific Set
Birthday 02/01/02
Intro Date 01/29/02
Retired Date 08/31/02
Hang Tag Gen 10
Tush Tag Gen 11
Copyright Date 2001
Pellets PE
Origin China
Color yellow

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Hang tag is in native language.

Translated into English:

Hibiscus, the national flower
Decorate the gathering attractively/brightly
Bringing glory and peace
Symbol to our multi racial people/citizen

Bunga Raya Beanie Buddies’ hang tag:
Bunga Raya, the national flower of Malaysia,
means hibiscus in the Malay language !

Additional Information

Tush tag: Bunga Raya (Malaysia)

Asia-Pacific (AP) Sets shipped to 6 countries: Australia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore.

What other beanies were introduced with this one? What year were others released?  Visit our article to find out the timing and sets of Asia-Pacific Beanies.

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