Spot (no spot)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Spot (no spot)
Style Number 4000
Exclusivity None
Category Animal
Sub Category Dog
Theme None
Birthday None
Intro Date 01/08/94
Retired Date 04/13/94
Hang Tag Gen 1,2
Tush Tag Gen 1
Copyright Date 1993
Pellets PVC
Origin China, Korea
Color white black

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No birthday is in 1st & 2nd Generation hang tags.

Additional Information

There are various versions of Spot (as well as different tag generations).  It came with and without a Spot, and was reproduced in 2005 with a BBOC button attached.

Original versions
Spot (without a spot)  (released with no poem on Jan-08-1994 and retired  Apr-13-1994)
Spot (with a spot)

Reproduced versions
Spot (without a spot) (BBOC)
Spot (with a spot) (BBOC)

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