
Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Rex
Style Number 4086
Exclusivity None
Category Dinosaur
Sub Category Tyrannosaurus
Theme None
Birthday 08/01/94
Intro Date 06/03/95
Retired Date 06/15/96
Hang Tag Gen 3
Tush Tag Gen 1,2
Copyright Date 1995
Pellets PVC
Origin China, Korea
Color red

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Poem (& birthdate courtesy of McDonald Teenie Beanie Babies packaging):

Rex, the friendly Tyrannosaurus
Wished that he could join a chorus.
He couldn’t sing, but this fuzzy fellow
Found a group that lets him bellow!

Rex Beanie Buddies’ hang tag:
was one of the dinosaur trio.
The poem and birthday for this item
have yet to be discovered !

Additional Information

Counterfeits are a big problem with this Beanie Baby. We give in depth details, and video, of what to look for.

How to tell an AUTHENTIC Rex Beanie Baby from a FAKE Rex Beanie Baby.

Tush tag: Rex

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