Magic (pale Pink)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Magic (pale pink thread)
Style Number 4088
Exclusivity None
Category Mythical
Sub Category Dragon
Theme None
Birthday 09/05/95
Intro Date 06/03/95
Retired Date 12/31/97
Hang Tag Gen 3,4
Tush Tag Gen 1,2,3,4,5
Copyright Date 1995
Pellets PVC
Origin China
Color white, pink

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Magic the dragon lives in a dream
The most beautiful that you have ever seen
Through magic lands she likes to fly
Look up and watch her, way up high !

Hang tag: Magic (pale pink thread)

Additional Information

Magic came with various pink thread shades. Pale pink, that was almost white, Regular pink that was just a pink, Medium pink that was a darker pink – almost hot pink but not quite, and a Hot pink.

Pale pink was only Handmade in China.

Tush tag: Magic (pale thread)

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