Beanie Facts
Beanie Name | Glory |
Style Number | 4188 |
Exclusivity | None |
Category | Bear |
Sub Category | NF New Face |
Theme | 4th July, Patriotic Day, Country Flag – USA |
Birthday | 07/04/97 |
Intro Date | 05/30/98 |
Retired Date | 12/31/98 |
Hang Tag Gen | 5 |
Tush Tag Gen | 6 |
Copyright Date | 1998 |
Pellets | PE |
Origin | China, Indo |
Color | white red blue |
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Additional Information
There were 2 Glory Mc Donald’s Teenie Beanies. One in a plastic package for employees working during the Teenie Beanie Promotion, known as Employee Glory. The other Glory Teenie Beanie was on a cardboard package, known as part of the International Bear Set
Glory was also part of Livent’s Broadway
Glory RAGTIME Broadway Unofficial
Please read this article for further information about Glory’s value: Glory in the Spotlight
Note: If you have found Glory Handmade in Indonesia with a Canadian tush tag, please send photo of tush tags to:
Glory was also part of some Sports Promotions.
Glory 07/07/98 American League