Celebrate II

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Celebrate II
Style Number 41318
Exclusivity None
Category Bear
Sub Category NF New Face
Theme 30th Anniversary
Birthday 12/18/–
Intro Date 09/00/23
Retired Date 03/25/24
Hang Tag Gen 20
Tush Tag Gen 15
Copyright Date 2023
Pellets Plastic
Origin China
Color Purple

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Each year it seems we’ve just begun
Bringing your favorites one by one
That’s got to be the reason why
These 30 years quickly flew by!

Hang tag: Celebrate II


400 Ty Employees received a signed Celebrate II Beanie baby in 2023. No Billionaire Bear was given out that year.

Additional Information

Celebrate II, Silver II, Dotty II were released with Series 5 30th Anniversary Beanies in the USA
Celebrate II, Bananas II, Amber II were released with Series 6 30th Anniversary Beanies in the UK

Tush tag: Celebrate II


This is a re-release of Celebrate for the 30th Anniversary of Beanie Babies.

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