California Poppy (Trade Show Exclusive)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name California Poppy
Style Number 40292
Exclusivity Event Excl. – Trade Show
Category Bear
Sub Category NF New Face
Theme State Flower Bear | California| Flower Bear Series
Birthday None
Intro Date 07/22/05
Retired Date 12/29/05
Hang Tag Gen 13
Tush Tag Gen 13
Copyright Date 2005
Pellets PE Plastic
Origin China
Color pink

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I wake up with the morning sun
And close again when day is done
In California, blooming bright
Our poppy is such a delight !

Additional Information

The poppy comes in a variety of
colors, most notable are red, white and yellow !

Also known as the flame
flower or copa de oro (cup of gold), the
California poppy is celebrated statewide on April 6th!

In 2005 Official State Flower Bears were Trade Show Exclusives in the USA  and
the Provincial Flower Bears were Trade Show Exclusives in Canada .
As a whole, they are referred to as Flower Bear Series.

Tush tag: California Poppy

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