Beanie Facts
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Additional Information
The different versions of Chocolate
Here is an example of just how many versions there are of Chocolate :
Pre 1st Gen UK tag – rare
1st Gen w/ 4 line Korea tush (original 9) – rare
1st Gen China – rare
1st Gen UK Sticker – rare
2nd Gen w/ rare embroidered tush tag and Canadian import tag – rare
2nd Gen German/Korea – rare
2nd Gen UK – rare
2nd Gen USA – rare
3rd Gen German (to from w/love in Italics) – rare
3rd Gen Version 2 – less common
3rd Gen Version 3 – 1 copyright symbol – less common
3rd Gen Version 4 – 3 copyright symbols – less common
4th Gen – says Made In Korea – less common
4th Gen – no website – somewhere between less common and common
4th Gen – website covered up – somewhere between less common and common
4th Gen – website cut off – somewhere between less common and common
4th Gen – Ty Deutschland removed and Ty Canada replaced it – common
5th Gen – China – common
5th Gen – Indonesia – semi common
5th Gen – Indonesia with additional Canadian import tag – less common
Spelling errors that do increase the value:
r noose spelling error in poem
mocse spelling error in poem
Chocholate tush tag oddity
Also see article “yellow star” tags with value
We have also seen chocolate with offset printing on the tag, blank tag inside and multiple tush tag oddities where it has a different beanie tush.
Chocolate has also been found Handmade in Indonesia with a Canadian tush tag on some 5th Generation hang tag Beanies.
Chocolate was also part of some Sports Promotions.
Chocolate 04/17/98 Denver Nuggets
Chocolate 09/05/98 Seattle Mariners
Chocolate 09/06/98 Dallas Cowboys
Chocolate 10/18/98 Tennessee Oilers
Chocolate 01/02/99 Toronto Maple Leafs