Rainbow (correct fabric)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Rainbow (correct fabric)
Style Number 4037
Exclusivity None
Category Reptile
Sub Category Chameleon
Theme None
Birthday 10/14/97
Intro Date 08/01/98
Retired Date 03/31/99
Hang Tag Gen 5
Tush Tag Gen 6
Copyright Date 1997
Pellets PE, PVC
Origin China
Color tie-dye

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Red, green, blue and yellow
This chameleon is a colorful fellow.
A blend of colors, his own unique hue
Rainbow was made especially for you!

Rainbow (correct fabric) Beanie Buddies’ hang tag:
Rainbow the BEANIE BABY
and his friend Iggy loved to switch
tags and colors, making them the
most confusing pair to date !

Additional Information

There were 2 visually different Rainbows. The first ones produced incorrectly used Iggy the iguana’s fabric that was blue, The 2nd version was correct, rainbow fabric, as shown here. Chameleons are distinguished by their “collars” around their neck.

See other Rainbow with incorrect fabric.

Please read more details about the variations of Iggy and Rainbow here.
Iggy vs Rainbow Beanie Babies

Tush tag: Rainbow (correct fabric)

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