Pennsylvania Mountain Laurel (Trade Show Exclusive)
Beanie Facts
Beanie Name | Pennsylvania Mountain Laurel |
Style Number | 40290 |
Exclusivity | Event Excl. -Trade Show |
Category | Bear |
Sub Category | NF New Face |
Theme | State Flower Bear | Pennsylvania| Flower Bear Series |
Birthday | None |
Intro Date | 07/09/05 |
Retired Date | 12/29/05 |
Hang Tag Gen | 13 |
Tush Tag Gen | 13 |
Copyright Date | 2004 |
Pellets | PE |
Origin | China |
Color | purple |
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The Pennsylvania mountain laurel
Our first choice for all things floral
Beautiful bloom so bright and pink
Simply the best, what do you think?
Hang tag: Pennsylvania Mountain Laurel
Additional Information
In 2005 Official State Flower Bears were Trade Show Exclusives in the USA and
the Provincial Flower Bears were Trade Show Exclusives in Canada .
As a whole, they are referred to as Flower Bear Series.
Pennsylvania Mountain Laurel