
Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Lullaby
Style Number 4583
Exclusivity None
Category Animal
Sub Category Lamb
Theme None
Birthday 05/17/02
Intro Date 01/30/03
Retired Date 05/25/04
Hang Tag Gen 7,11
Tush Tag Gen 12
Copyright Date 2002
Pellets PE
Origin China
Color white

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Please let me curl up on your lap
So I can take a little nap
If it’s too hard to fall asleep
Then I’ll just count my friends, the sheep !

Hang tag: Lullaby

Lullaby Beanie Buddies’ hang tag:
A lullaby is a song that is used
to relax a child so they’ll
go to sleep !

Additional Information

Tush tag: Lullaby

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