Independence (white)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Independence (white)
Style Number 40366
Exclusivity None
Category Bear
Sub Category NF New Face
Theme 4th July, Patriotic
Birthday 07/04/06
Intro Date 04/28/06
Retired Date 10/25/06
Hang Tag Gen 14
Tush Tag Gen 13
Copyright Date 2006
Pellets PE Plastic
Origin China
Color brown white

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Every Independence Day
Hand on heart I proudly say
Freedom and liberty are grand
That’s why I love this, my homeland !

Hang tag: Independence (white)

Independence (white) Beanie Buddies’ hang tag:
Printed on the back of the Declaration
of Independence is, “Original
Declaration of Independence”
and “4th July 1776” !

Additional Information

Tush tag: Independence (white)

See the different versions of Independence bear.

Independence (white)
Independence (red)
Independence (blue)

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