Bahati (Ty Store Exclusive) WWF

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Bahati
Style Number 44204
Exclusivity Ty Store Excl.
Category Animal
Sub Category Elephant
Theme Fundraiser: World Wildlife Fund
Birthday None
Intro Date 10/04/04
Retired Date 01/02/07
Hang Tag Gen 12
Tush Tag Gen 13
Copyright Date 2004
Pellets PE
Origin China
Color gray

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FACT: African elephant populations are on the increase since a global ban on ivory sales was imposed, a measure WWF worked hard to secure !
BIRTHPLACE: Throughout Africa
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Loxodonta africana
TIDBIT: Elephants’ trunks sometimes serve as snorkels, allowing submerged elephants to breathe as they swim in rivers or lakes !

Additional Information

Sales benefited: WWF World Wildlife Fund

Tush tag: Bahati

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