The Ty Beanie Baby #1 Bear is one of top Rarest Beanies on the market. These bears were given to the Ty Sales Rep at the Ty Sales Conference in December of 1998. Below are pictures comparing the Authentic Ty #1 Bear Beanie Baby to a counterfeit #1 Bear, as well as the hang and tush tags.
Below is a close up view of the embroidered #1 emblems.
The information on the inside of the FAKE tag is INCORRECT – wrong punctuation, capitalization, thickness of Ty’s signature, and the tag is NOT numbered. The AUTHENTIC tag has the correct capitalization, Ty’s signature is done in a thin red ink, and the tag is numbered “___ of 253”.
The information on the back of the FAKE tag is INCORRECT – it states “Ty Employee Party Oakbrook Polo Club September 26, 1998”. The AUTHENTIC #1 Bear was given to the Sales Rep at the “Ty sales conference Fairmont Hotel December 11 – 14, 1998”.
The #1 Bear ONLY came with a 6th generation tush tag. The information on the FAKE tush tag is INCORRECT – wrong tush tag generation (7th), color, and print alignment. This “hologram” representation of a 7th generation tush tag is very poorly done. The AUTHENTIC 6th generation tush tag is the correct tush tag for the #1 Bear.
The back of the FAKE #1 Bear’s tush tag – INCORRECT copyright date, color, capitalization, punctuation and print alignment. The AUTHENTIC 6th generation tush tag ONLY came with a 1998 copyright date.
For more information please visit #1 BEAR (TY REP EXCLUSIVE) Beanie Facts page.