TURK-e (Ty Store Exclusive)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name TURK-e
Style Number 4416
Exclusivity Ty Store
Category Bird
Sub Category Turkey
Theme Thanksgiving Day
Birthday 11/23/01
Intro Date 11/04/02
Retired Date 11/29/02
Hang Tag Gen 10
Tush Tag Gen 11
Copyright Date 2002
Pellets PE
Origin China
Color black white multicolored

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Although some people think I fear
Thanksgiving each and every year
I really love the holiday
If I’m not on the dinner tray !

Hang tag: TURK-e (Ty Store Exclusive)

Additional Information

Tush tag: TURK-e (Ty Store Exclusive)

Fun trivia: Ty used to encourage collectors to submit questions and here’s one he answered
November 8 2002
Q: What is the most expensive Beanie for you to make? (submitted by pm…)
Ty’s A: One of the most expensive Beanies to produce just happens to be one of the newest . . . TURK-e. This special Beanie has over 20 different pattern pieces and 8 different fabrics. In fact, the custom printed fabric used on the body of TURK-e took over 4 months to design and manufacture. 

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