Ebony (Hamleys Exclusive)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Ebony
Style Number 46121
Exclusivity Store Excl. – Hamleys
Category Bear
Sub Category NF New Face
Theme None
Birthday 01/07/07
Intro Date 12/01/07
Retired Date
Hang Tag Gen 15
Tush Tag Gen 13
Copyright Date 2007
Pellets Not Given
Origin Not Given
Color black

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They say that opposites attract
And I must say that it’s a fact
Here with my good friend Ivory
We’re as close as friends can be !

Hang tag: Ebony

Additional Information

Ebony was released with Ivory.

At the launch of Ebony & Ivory there was a total of 100 numbered certificates in cases – 50 for Ebony and 50 for Ivory.

See also Ebony w/certificate in case Beanie Fact page.

Tush tag: Ebony

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