Red (USA Exclusive)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Red
Style Number 40000
Exclusivity Country Excl. – USA
Category Bear
Sub Category Sit Down
Theme Patriotic
Birthday 01/23/03
Intro Date 04/30/03
Retired Date 06/09/03
Hang Tag Gen 11
Tush Tag Gen 12
Copyright Date 2003
Pellets PE
Origin China
Color white multicolored

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A symbol of the U.S.A.
Americans proudly display
My color signifies the brave
For whom our flag will always wave !

Hang tag: Red

Red Beanie Buddies’ hang tag:
Betsy Ross, who stitched together the first
American Flag, was asked to do so
by George Washington !

Additional Information

Red shares the same barcode/style # as Red, White & Blue Bear.

Tush tag: Red

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