Common Cards
There are 100 Common cards, numbered 50-149.
Back of Cards
These are great to put with Beanie Babies that have closed tag protectors. They have the Beanie babies’ poems, and also give fun facts.
Ally | Baldy | Bernie | Blackie | Blizzard | Bones | Britannia | Bruno | Bumble
Caw | Chip | Chops | Claude | Congo| Coral | Curly | Daisy | Derby
Digger | Dobby | Dotty | Early | Ears | Echo | Fleece | Flip | Floppity
Flutter | Freckles | Garcia | Gigi| Gobbles| Gracie | Grunt | Happy | Hissy
Hoot | Iggy | Inch | Inky | Jabber | Jake | Jolly | Kuku | Libearty
Lucky | Magic | Manny | Mystic | Nuts | Peace | Peanut | Pouch | Pounce
Prance | Puffer | Pugsly | Rainbow| Rex | Righty | Ringo | Roary | Rocket
Rover | Scottie | Seamore | Seaweed | Sly | Smoochy | Snip | Snort | Snowball
Sparky | Speedy| Spike | Spinner | Spooky | Spunky | Sting | Stinky | Strech
Stripes | Tank | Teddy Cranberry | Teddy Jade | Teddy Magenta | Teddy Teal | Teddy Violte| Tracker | Tuffy
Tusk | Twigs | Velvet | Waddle | Waves | Weenie | Whisper | Wrinkles | Ziggy