Teddy (jade, NF New Face)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Teddy (jade, NF New Face)
Style Number 4057
Exclusivity None
Category Bear
Sub Category NF New Face
Theme None
Birthday None
Intro Date 01/07/95
Retired Date 01/07/96
Hang Tag Gen 2,3
Tush Tag Gen 1
Copyright Date 1993
Pellets PVC
Origin China, Korea
Color jade

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Early generation hang tags (1st through 3rd) did not have poems. Refer to Teddy New Face Brown to read a poem, as it was given a poem in the 4th generation hang tag.

The New Face style teddies have ribbons as accents, the Old Face style didn’t.

Hang tag: Teddy (jade, NF New Face)

Additional Information

Style numbers were mismatched at times between them because all six”new face” and “old face” style bears were just named “Teddy, so it’s important to refer to their colors too.

Teddy (Brown New Face)
Teddy (Cranberry New Face) 
Teddy  (Jade, New Face)
Teddy (Magenta, New Face)
Teddy (Teal, New Face)
Teddy (Violet, New Face)

Watch this video on New Face Jade Fake vs Authentic Comparison

Click here to watch a video of the 6 New Face Teddies together.

Tush tag: Teddy (jade, NF New Face)

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