SpongeBob FrankenStein

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name SpongeBob FrankenStein
Style Number 40257
Exclusivity None
Category Licensed
Sub Category SpongeBob
Theme None
Birthday None
Intro Date 08/00/05
Retired Date 11/23/05
Hang Tag Gen 13
Tush Tag Gen 13
Copyright Date 2004, 2005
Pellets PE Plastic
Origin China
Color yellow green

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Left-hand side of hang tag:
SUPER ABSORBENT TRIVIA: The main character in the
episode, Frankendoodle, is a parody of Frankenstein !

Right-hand side of hang tag:
NAME GAME: SpongeBob’s doodle drawing in
the episode Frankendoodle is referred to as
Spongedoodle, DoodleBob, and Doodle Boy !

SPOOKY: SpongeBob erased SpongeDoodle to
stop his reign of terror, but forgot to erase
one of SpongeDoodle’s arms. This
allowed SpongeDoodle to redraw
himself and start trouble
all over again !

Hang tag: SpongeBob FrankenStein

SpongeBob FrankenStein Beanie Buddies’ hang tag:
When SpongeBob’s self-portrait
comes to life in the episode entitled
Frankendoodle, chaos ensues !

Additional Information

Tush tag: SpongeBob FrankenStein

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