
Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Shampoodle
Style Number 40582
Exclusivity None
Category Animal
Sub Category Dog
Theme None
Birthday 06/02/07
Intro Date 09/01/07
Retired Date recalled
Hang Tag Gen 15
Tush Tag Gen 13
Copyright Date 2007
Pellets PE
Origin China
Color black

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I love to go to the salon
And put pretty nail polish on
Get my hair done ’til it’s just so
A spa day ! Join me and let’s go !

Hang tag: Shampoodle

Additional Information

Shampoodle is hard to find because as soon as it was released it was discovered its fur fell out and was recalled. Unfortunately not all were destroyed and some made their ways to discount stores. These should never be given to a child to play with. They are best authenticated so that they aren’t handled too much.

Tush tag: Shampoodle

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