Clubby IV (4) (Rainbow button) (BBOC Exclusive)

Beanie Facts

Beanie Name Clubby IV (4) (Rainbow button)
Style Number 4996
Exclusivity BBOC
Category Bear)
Sub Category NF New Face
Theme Beanie Babies Official Club (BBOC)
Birthday 08/04/01
Intro Date 9/24/01
Retired Date 01/23/02
Hang Tag Gen 9,7
Tush Tag Gen 10
Copyright Date 2001
Pellets PE
Origin China
Color purple blue multicolored

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Which button do you think you’ll get
A gold, a silver, or the whole set
Clubby IV has a surprise for you
Ty Warner autographed a few!

Hang tag: Clubby IV (Rainbow button)

Hang tag: Clubby IV (4) (Rainbow button)

Additional Information

Clubby IV’s came in a taped plastic box, and when opened, the button had a sticker over it to hide whether it had a Rainbow, Silver or Gold button. To add to the excitement, Ty signed some buttons, but the box wasn’t tamper proof so some were opening and reclosing to find those.


Jingle beanie available with stitched nose and plastic nose, jingle has no button on chest

Tush tag: Clubby IV (Rainbow button)

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